Saturday, June 4, 2011


Stromata, "carpet scraps", are going to be musings about all sorts of different topics.

Going through the process of decluttering a house and an office can be a very enlightening process. You go through all the paperwork you accumulated for years, and you have to decide whether keeping it is worth it. You find old class notes, and have to ask yourself why you bothered to keep them for all these years. You take a look at all the books you collected over the years, and notice how many you haven't finished reading it, and wonder whether you'll have time left in this life to finish the reading that you want to do. You look at all the notes you took for research purposes and notice how terribly outdated they are.

It does make you confront the changeability of this mortal world, and in various ways, you almost begin longing for the un-changeability of heaven.

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