Monday, October 24, 2011

Imitation of Christ

Secundum propositum nostrum est cursus profectus nostri, et multa diligentia opus est bene proficere volenti. Quod si fortiter proponens sæpe deficit, quid faciet ille qui raro aut minus fixe aliquid proponit? Variis tamen modis contingit defertio propositi nostri. Et levis omissio exercitiorum vix sine aliquo dispendio transit. Justorum propositum in gratia potius Dei, quam in propria patientia pendet. In quo et semper confidunt quidquid arripiunt. Nam homo proponit, sed Deus disponit, nec est in homine via ejus.
According to our resolution so is the rate of our progress, and much diligence is needful for him who would make good progress. For if he who resolves bravely often falls short, how shall it be with him who resolves rarely or feebly? But manifold causes bring about abandonment of our resolution, yet a trivial omission of holy exercises can hardly be made without some loss to us. The resolution of the righteous depends more upon the grace of God than upon their own wisdom; for in Him they always put their trust, whatever they take in hand. For man proposes, but God disposes; and the way of a
man is not in himself.

Imitation of Christ, I, 19:2

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