Monday, September 5, 2011

Imitation of Christ

Sunt tamen tentationes hominibus valde utiles, licet molestæ sint et graves, quia in his homo humiliatur, purgatur et eruditur. Omnes Sancti per multas tribulationes et tentationes transierunt et profecerunt, et qui tentationes sustinere nequiverunt, reprobi facti sunt, et defecerunt. Non est aliquis ordo tam sanctus, et locus tam secretus, ubi non sint tentationes et adversitates.

Yet, notwithstanding, temptations turn out greatly for our profit, even though they are great and hard to bear; for through them we are humbled, purified, instructed. All Saints have passed through much tribulation and temptation, and have profited by it. And they who endured not temptation became reprobate and fell away. There is no position so sacred, no place so secret, that it is without temptations and adversities.

Imitation of Christ, I, 13:2

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