Thursday, September 15, 2011

Imitation of Christ

Sed semper aliquid ab intra latet, vel etaim ab extra concurrit, quod nos etiam pariter trahit. Multi occulte se ipsos quærunt in rebus, quas agunt, et nesciunt. Videntur etiam in bona pace stare, quum res pro eorum velle fiunt. Propter diversitatem sensuum, et opinionum satis frequenter oriuntur diffensiones inter amicos et cives, inter religiosos et devotos. 
But often some secret thought lurking within us, or even some outward circumstance, turns us aside. Many are secretly seeking their own ends in what they do, yet know it not. They seem to live in good peace of mind so long as things go well with them, and according to their desires, but if their desires be frustrated and broken, immediately they are shaken and displeased. Diversity of feelings and opinions very often brings about dissensions between friends, between countrymen, between religious and godly men.

Imitation of Christ, I, 14:2

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