Ubique profectum tuum capies ut si bona exempla videas vel audias, de imitandis accendaris. Si quid autem reprehensibile confideraveris, cave ne idem facias, aut si aliquando fecisti, citius emendare te studeas. Sicut oculus tuus alios confiderat, sic iterum ab aliis notaris. Quam jucundum et dulce est videre fervidos et devotos Fratres bene morigeratos et disciiplinatos. Quam triste est et grave videre inordinate ambulantes, qui ea ad quæ vocati sunt non exercent. Quam nocivum est negligere vocationis suæ propositum, et ad non comissia sensum inclinare.
Gather some profit to your soul wherever you are, and wherever you see or hear good examples, stir yourself to follow them, but where you see anything which is blameworthy, take heed that you do not the same; or if at any time you have done it, strive quickly to amend yourself. As your eye observes others, so again are the eyes of others upon you. How sweet and pleasant is it to see zealous and godly brethren temperate and of good discipline; and how sad is it and grievous to see them walking disorderly, not practising the duties to which they are called. How hurtful a thing it is to neglect the purpose of their calling, and turn their inclinations to things which are none of their business.
Imitation of Christ, I, 25:5
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