Monday, January 23, 2012

Imitation of Christ

Cui sapiunt omnia prout sunt non ut dicuntur, aut æstimantur, hic vere sapiens est, et doctus a Deo magis, quam ab hominibus. Qui ab intra scit ambulare et modicum res ab extra ponderare, non reqirit loca, nec tempora expectat ad habenda devota exercitia. Homo internus cito se recolligit, et nunquam se totum ad exteriora effundit. Non illi obest labor exterior, aut occupatio ad tempus necessaria. Sed sicut res eveniunt, sic se illis accommodat. Qui intus bene dispositus est et ordinatus, non curat mirabiles et perversos hominum gestus. Tantum homo impeditur, et distrahitur, quantum sibi res attrahit. 

He who knows things as they are and not as they are said or seem to be, he truly is wise, and is taught of God more than of men. He who knows how to walk from within, and to set little value upon outward things, requires not places nor waits for seasons, for holding his intercourse with God. The inward man quickly recollects himself, because he is never entirely given up to outward things. No outward labour and no necessary occupations stand in his way, but as events fall out, so he fits himself to them. He who is rightly disposed and ordered within cares not for the strange and perverse conduct of men. A man is hindered and distracted in so far as he is moved by outward things.

Imitation of Christ, II, 1:7

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