Thursday, November 17, 2011

Imitation of Christ

Non attrahas tibi res aliorum, nec te implices causis majorum. Habeas semper oculum super te primum, et admoneas te ipsum specialiter, præ omnibus tibi dilectis. Si non habes favorem hominum noli exinde tristari, sed hoc tibi sit grave quia non habes te satis bene et circumspecte, sicut deceret servum Dei et devotum Religiosum conversari. Utilius est sæpe et securius, quod homo non habeat multas consolationes in hac vita secudum carnem, præcipue tamen, quod divinas non habemus, aut rarius sentimus nos devotos; in culpa sumus, quia compunctionem non quærimus cordis, ac vanas et extrinsecas non abjicimus.
Busy not yourself with the affairs of others, nor entangle yourself with the business of great men.  Keep always your eye upon yourself first of all, and give advice to yourself specially before all your dearest friends. If you have not the favour of men, be not thereby cast down, but let your concern be that you hold not yourself so well and circumspectly, as becomes a servant of God and a devout monk. It is often better and safer for a man not to have many comforts in this life, especially those which concern the flesh. But that we lack divine comforts or feel them rarely is to our own blame, because we seek not compunction of heart, nor utterly cast away those comforts which are vain and worldly.

Imitation of Christ, I, 21:3

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