Friday, December 2, 2011

Imitation of Christ

O quanta fragilitas humana, quæ semper prona est ad vitia. Hodie confiteris peccata tua, et cras iterum perpetras confessa. Nunc proponis cavere, et post horam ita agis, quasi nihil proposuisses. Merito ergo nosmetipsos humiliare possumus, nec unquam aliquid magni de nobis sentire, quia tam fragiles et instabiles sumus. Cito etiam potest perdi per negligentiam, quod multo labore vix tandem acquisitum est per gratiam. 
O how great is the frailty of man, which is ever prone to evil! Today you confess your sins, and tomorrow you again commit the sins you confessed. Now you resolve to avoid a fault, and within an hour you behave yourself as if you had never resolved at all. Good cause have we therefore to humble ourselves, and never to think highly of ourselves, seeing that we are so frail and unstable. And quickly may that be lost by our negligence, which by much labour was hardly attained through grace.

Imitation of Christ, I, 22:6

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