Thursday, December 8, 2011

Imitation of Christ

Valde cito erit tecum hoc factum: vide aliter quomodo te habeas. Hodie homo est, et cras non comparet. Cum autem sublatus fuerit ab oculis, etiam cito transit a mente. O hebetudo, et duritia cordis humani, quod solum præsentia meditatur, et futura non magis prævidet. Sic te in omni facto et cogitatu deberes tenere, quasi statim esses moriturus. Si bonam conscientiam haberes, non multum mortem timeres. Melius esset peccata cavere quam mortem fugure. Si hodie non es paratus, quomodo cras eris? Cras est dies incerta, et quid scis si crastinum habebis?

Very quickly will there be an end of you here; take heed therefore how it will be with you in another world. Today man is, and tomorrow he will be seen no more. And being removed out of sight, quickly also he is out of mind. O the dulness and hardness of man's heart, which thinks only of the present, and looks not forward to the future. You ought in every deed and thought so to order yourself, as if you were to die this day. If you had a good conscience you would not greatly fear death. It were better for you to watch against sin, than to fly from death. If today you are not ready, how will you be ready tomorrow? Tomorrow is an uncertain day; and how do you know that you will have a tomorrow?

Imitation of Christ, I, 23:1

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