Friday, February 10, 2012

Imitation of Christ

Sed sunt qui se ipsos in pace tenent, et cum aliis etiam pacem habent. Et sunt qui nec pacem habent, nec alios in pace dimittunt. Aliis sunt graves, sed sibi sunt semper graviores. Et sunt qui se ipsos in pace retinent, et ad pacem alios reducere student. Et tamen tota pax nostra in hac misera vita potius in humili sufferentia ponenda est, quam in non sentiendo contraria? Qui melius scit pati, pacem tenebit maiorem. Iste est victor fui, et dominus mundi, amicus Christi, et hæres cæli. 
There are who keep themselves in peace and keep peace also with others, and there are who neither have peace nor suffer others to have peace; they are troublesome to others, but always more troublesome to themselves. And there are who hold themselves in peace, and study to bring others unto peace; nevertheless, all our peace in this sad life lies in humble suffering rather than in not feeling adversities. He who best knows how to suffer shall possess the most peace; that man is conqueror of himself and lord of the world, the friend of Christ, and the inheritor of heaven.

Imitation of Christ, II, 3:3

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