Saturday, February 25, 2012

Imitation of Christ

Internus homo sui ipsius curam omnibus curis anteponit: et qui sibi ipsi diligenter intendit, faciliter de aliis tacet. Nunquam eris internus et devotus, nisi de aliis silueris et ad te ipsum specialiter respexeris. Si tibi ipsi et Deo totaliter intendis, modicum te movebit, quod foris percipis. Ubi es, quando tibi ipsi præsens non es? Et quando omnia percurristi, quid te neglecto profecisti? Si debes habere pacem et unionem veram, oportet, quod totum adhuc postponas et te solum præ oculis habeas.

The spiritually-minded man puts care of himself before all cares; and he who diligently attends to himself easily keeps silence concerning others. You will never be spiritually minded and godly unless you are silent concerning other men's matters and take full heed to yourself. If you think wholly upon yourself and upon God, what you see out of doors shall move you little. Where arr you when you are not present to yourself? and when you have overrun all things, what has it profited you, yourself being neglected? If you would have peace and true unity, you must put aside all other things, and gaze only upon yourself.

Imitation of Christ, II, 5:2

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