Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Imitation of Christ

Beatus qui intelligit quid sit amare Jesum, et contemnere se ipsum propeter Deum? Oportet dilectum propter dilectum relinquere, quia Jesus vult solus super omnia amari. Dilectio creaturæ fallax et instabilis, dilectio Jesu felix et perseverabilis. Qui adhæret creaturæ, cadet cum labili, qui amplectitur Jesum, firmabitur in Eum. Illum dilige, et amicum tene tibi, qui omnibus recedentibus te non relinquet, nec patietur in fine perire. Ab omnibus oportet aliquando te separari, sive velis, sive nolis. 

Blessed is he who understands what it is to love Jesus, and to despise himself for Jesus' sake. He must give up all that he loves for his Beloved, for Jesus will be loved alone above all things. The love of created things is deceiving and unstable, but the love of Jesus is faithful and lasting. He who cleaves to created things will fall with their slipperiness; but he who embraces Jesus will stand upright for ever. Love Him and hold Him for your friend, for He will not forsake you when all depart from you, nor will He allow you to perish at the last. You must one day be separated from all, whether you want to or not.

Imitation of Christ, II, 7:1

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