Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Imitation of Christ

Cito deciperis, si ad externam hominum apparentiam tantum aspexeris. Si autem tuum in aliis quæris solatium, et lucrum, sæpe senties detrimentum. Si quæris in omnibus Jesum, invenies utique Jesum. Si autem quæris te ipsum, invenies etiam te ipsum, sed ad tuam perniciem. Plus enim homo nocivior est sibi, si Jesum non quærit, quam totus mundus, et omnes sui adversarii. 

You will be quickly deceived if you look only upon the outward appearance of men, for if you seek your comfort and profit in  others, you also will often experience loss. If you seek Jesus in all things you will truly find Jesus, but if you seek yourself you will also find yourself, but to your own hurt. For if a man seeks not Jesus he is more hurtful to himself than all the world and all his adversaries.

Imitation of Christ, II, 7:3

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