Friday, January 20, 2012

Imitation of Christ

Non est magna fiducia ponenda in homine fragili et mortali, etiamsi utilis fit et dilectus, neque tristitia multa capienda ex hoc, si interdum adversetur et contradicat. Qui hodie tecum sunt, cras contrariari possunt. Et e converso sæpe ut aura vertuntur. Pone fiduciam tuam totam in Domino; et sit ipse timor tuus, et amor tuus. Ipse pro te respondebit, et faciet bene sicut melius fuerit. Nonhabes hic manentem civitatem, et ubicumque fueris, extraneus es et peregrinus, nec requiem aliquando habebis, nisi Christo intime fueris unitus. 
There is no great trust to be placed in a frail and mortal man, even though he be useful and dear to us, neither should much sorrow arise within us if sometimes he oppose and contradict us. They who are on your side today, may tomorrow be against you, and often are they turned round like the wind. Put your whole trust in God and let Him be your fear and your love, He will answer for you Himself, and will do for you what is best. Here you have no continuing city, and wheresoever you are, you are a stranger and a pilgrim, and you shall never have rest unless you are closely united to Christ within you.

Imitation of Christ, II, 1:3

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